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עשה תורתך קבע – אמור מעט ועשה הרבה

Israel Ride Gets Closer!

Posted by rabbiart on October 26, 2008

Well, another Sunday, another day of girding up my loins (as Bridge expert Charles Goren used to say when suggesting a boldly aggressive bid or play) asking people to donate.  How fun!…not.

More fun is that the official “arrival packet” has arrived.

I’ve made contact with Barry and Arza Churchman, USY advisors extraordinaire that I haven’t seen since December of 1968 when I crashed the International USY Convention in Chicago and got caught by Barry.

Friend and Israel Ride donator Josh Burton will be in Israel at the same time so we can have a story about traveling some 8000 miles and seeing someone we davened with yesterday!

We’re going to Petra the day after the ride ends. We’ve been waiting to do this for at least a dozen years.

About $2100 raised, and $1500 to go…. and 300 miles to ride.

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